Antony embarked on a journey in search of life contentment and the journey led him to Korogocho slum in Nairobi in Compassionate Hands for Disabled children.
He was touched by the pathetic situation in which the disabled children were living in Korogocho slums and he immediately talked to a few friends and they started a page on Facebook called ‘Uplift A Kenyan Child Initiative’ through which they fundraised for the home and managed to raise enough funds to buy and develop a plot of land in Ruai which is safer and cleaner for the disabled children. Today, the home has a network of continued supporters many of whom were those mobilised by Antony's initiative.
In 2012, through his mobilization for support, two girls orphaned by HIV/AIDS were taken back to school. Antony continues to work for disabled, orphaned and HIV positive children through Dreams On Wheels International-an organization.
Antony Kiarie is 30 years old and works for International Peace Initiatives to earn a living and support his initiatives to support children.