A Free Program for Young Teens

It's Up to Us

Middle-school teachers ~ We’ve got a gift for you.

Our book, It’s Up to Us, gives young teens real heroes, helps them find meaning in their own lives and guides them through a tested process for creating and carrying out their own service projects.

As Linda Ellerbee of Nick News said in her endorsement, “The message of this book is, quite simply, that it doesn’t matter how young (or how old) you are, you can change the world.”

Now It’s Up to Us is newly born in digital form and you can have the book and its Teacher's Guide right now. Free.

We’ve been in classrooms with our award-winning programs since 1991 so we know our content works. Teachers all over the US and in English-speaking schools abroad have told us that Giraffe materials turn their classes from rooms full of disconnected, uncaring individuals into a community of learners, eager to know all that will help them engage their world as 'Giraffes Heroes' do.

But too many teachers don’t have the money to buy printed materials so we’ve resolved to get all our stuff online asap. If you want to have that powerful, life-changing effect on your students, you should have it, whether you’ve got purchase money or not.

(You’ll need Adobe Reader on your computer to work with our material—it’s a free download. If you don’t already have it, just click to their site and follow the prompts. Then come back and get It’s Up to Us and its Teacher's Guide.)

Now you're ready to download, free, a program that has been used and praised in all 50 states and in English-speaking schools in many nations of the world. We are delighted that we can now provide these materials without the considerable expenses of printing and shipping.

To download, click on the words in the red link for It's Up to Us, then scroll down to a small black box at the bottom of that screen. Click on the square download button you'll find there and you're in. Move the program to your desktop before you start to use it. Use the same process to download the other parts of the program.

In exchange, we ask only that you let us know who and where you are so we have a sense of how the program is spreading, and so we can send you more free stories. Please register using the form below, then click on the Submit button to start the download process.

Fill out my online form.