Elizabeth Achieng Ngonga

Elizabeth Achieng Ngonga, as a woman and a mother, understands well what it means to be young and pregnant and even worse, pregnant through incest. She knows the rejection that can come with it in Kenyan culture. But Elizabeth does not agree that abortion is the answer. This led her to starting the Young Mothers Kenya Centre, where she encourages young girls to nurture their pregnancies, give birth and go back to school. She encourages the girls to avoid abortion and further teaches them to love their babies even if they are as a result of incest. To ensure that the girls have time to go and concentrate at school, Elizabeth and her team at the Centre take care of the babies throughout the day.
Elizabeth has also been working with the administration of Kwale County to help girls who have been raped and made pregnant, then dropped out of school and become vulnerable and needy. Most of the time, these teenage girls have no one to turn to, prompting them to attempt dangerous methods of abortion. Elizabeth offers support, counsel and hope to these young girls and mothers.
Giraffe Heroes Kenya wishes to recognize Elizabeth Achieng Ngonga for ‘sticking out her neck’ for the common good and her desire to lighten the loads, strengthen the hearts, and improve the lives of those in his circle of influence.